Friday, July 31, 2009

NIck, Mariah, Eminem at War

Rocsi Eating Disorder

Rocsi Speaking On Her Anorexia & Almost Killing Herself Through Eatng Disorders!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Solange Knowles new haircut

Solange Knowles is really trying to get notice and get people talking about her. Singing, that didn't do so well. Actting, well she can act but not that good. Now, she trying to follow the new trend, cutting off all her hair to look like those other singers. Some females can get away with a low hair cut "almost bald". But this chick, its really not cute on her. It only shows how nappy her hair is with out all those hair extension. It makes you wonder how nappy Beyonce hair really is. I mean, they are sisters. She kinda looks like this little girl I use to see getting off the Special Ed bus. LOL

Solange, The natural look

This is what a good perm and a few hair extensions can do

If you would like to read about her new hair style, Click on the title

Omer Bhatti

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is this Michael Jackson's son

This is different pictures of Omer Bhatti, Michael Jackson's alleged son

A Message from Rhianna by Africano Boi

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why People hating on Obama

I personality think it is stupid that people are making fun of his so called "mom pants". Other web-sites are posting comments about his pants saying he needs to pull em' down and not wear them so high. I'm sure he doesn't care what people think as long as it feels comfortable to him. When it comes down to it, at the end of the day, "Its only pants".
Copy and paste the link to your web browser to view the video:

When Jessica Simpson came on stage wearing that horrible out fit. That was a true
definition of mom jeans.

Copy and paste the link to your web browser to view the video:

Monday, July 20, 2009

Is Chris Brown Really Sorry

Chris Brown, I hope this speech is as sincere as you point out. I for one can not judge, but I can give my opinion. I think this is a bunch of bull. He doesn't won't to look bad for his fan (too late you already do). He looks like he reading a script and why put it on whatever website, why not come on national news and say what you have to say. To me, it would have been more sincere, but again that's my opinion. He has hurt this women mentally and emotionally. Now he says "I was brought up in an abusive home". OK, dull.....wouldn't you have learn not to hit a women. I hope he learned his lesson?

What do you think about Chris Brown Apology,Is he a pol-lying?

Click on title to read more about Chris Brown Apology


A must watch TV Show.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Beyonce: I Am...Sasha Fierce

To download this album, click on the name and enjoy.

Jordan Sparks: Battlefield

To download this album, click on the name and enjoy.

What is wrong with Frankie " Keyshia Cole's Mom"

Crackheads at it again. What is wrong with Keyshia Cole's mom. I guess she thinks since her daughter is a "famous singer" then she is famous as well. From watching the Keyshia Cole Reality show, Frankie was off the chain. Now her and Neffie will start their own show. Drama Drama Drama. The both of them couldn't get along then. Trying to start a fight with a real singer "Chilli from TLC" is a no no. From my opinion Chilli is a better singer then Keyshia Cole. Everybody thats signs on the same track as a guest singer is better then Keyshia Cole. Perfect example, "Monica".
But lets not get off track here. The main issue is Frankie, If she can't handle her liquor or what ever drug of choice she takes, then she shouldn't get mad at people just because no one cares who she is. Her famous qoute "I'm Keyshia Cole's Mom, holla.
I know, its not Keyshia Cole's fault that her mom is a so called recovering crackhead.
For more info, go to:

Check out this Youtube video from ShutUpDorian:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Outfit Collection 2009

Beyonce and her mom Tina Knowles are planing to come out with a new clothing line called, Sasha Fierce for Dereon. It will have sportswear, outwear, handbags, footwear, eyewear, lingerie and jewelry.

For more info, check out:
OMG, Dillard's here I come ..

Pro-Players: Are they serious

Chad Ochocinco
'I'm Going To Do It'
Chad Ochocinco is a wide receiver for Cincinnati Bengals. Regardless of what the NFL says, he rather be on Twitter during games. The NFL already banned Cell phones on the playing field during games. For ignoring the ban, Ochocinco could face suspension and be ordered to pay a big fine. He doesn't care, he told the press he still is going to do it anyway. Is Twitter that imporant. I understand ppl like to tweet, be on myspace and the whole internet thing. But come on, this is your life and money dude. If u got money like that to waste, hook a sister up. LOL
I guess tweeting is important to him. I think I might open an account too.

For more info about the NFL Player and his tweeting problems, visit:

Antoine Walker
Wrote $1 million worth of bad checks: Damn, I didn't know it was that easy.

Antoine Walker is a former NBA player that has a arrest warrant for allegedly writing bad checks worth a million dollars at three Las Vegas Casinos. The 32-year-old ex-NBA star wrote 10 bad checks, totaling $1 million to Caesars Palace, Planet Hollywood and the Red Rock Resort.
Everybody that looks like they have money does not necessarily mean they have it. These days, ppl try to make their selves look a certain way so ppl can think they are ballin', but in the long run, it all comes to a end.
Richard Jefferson NBA groom Richard Jefferson of the Spurs got cold feet this past weekend and backed out of his wedding without informing many of the guests. According to the New York Post, Richardson was scheduled to marry former New Jersey Nets dancer Kesha Ni'Cole Nichols. A few days before the big day, Jefferson called off the ceremony and broke up with his fiancée. Unfortunately, nobody told a significant number of the guess.
What is the real reason he called off the wedding in short notice. C'mon man tell us, enquiring minds wanna know.
For more info on the runaway groom,checkout:

What's Going On In The World: Michael Jackson

You can still get Michael Jackson's Merchandise as while as concert merchandise on many different web-sites. Using Michael Jackson's death to gain profit is wrong in so many ways. His business partners said, this is what he wanted, but stuff like this make u wonder. Why would a person want people to make money off of a dead body. Where would the money go, to his family to give them even more reason to fight over his wealth, is it going to multi-million dollar companies that only wants more money. Will it go to the 39 charity organizations he has gave to in the past. All we can hope for that its going to the right places and to the right people.
I wish i can get a MJ T-shirt.

Janet is a good Aunt
"Janet was the one person he spoke to regularly and he made sure the children kept in touch with her too," the children automatically turn to her for comfort and direction.
What a great aunt. I think she and Momo Katherine should keep MJ kids.

Will there be a Jackson 3?
Joe Jackson wants the kids "Prince Michael 12, Paris 11 and 7-year-old Prince Michael II", to go on tour next year. I never knew they could sing or dance. I guess you have to admit, it would cute to see all of them on stage but doesn't this sound like scam? Joe Jackson is at it again.
Will this happen? I guess we will have to wait and see.

‘Michael Was Murdered’
LaToya Jackson did a interview saying "she thinks her brother, Michael was murdered." Not showing any evidence about a murder conspiracy but said the family has seen results of the private autopsy.
Michael Jackson's sudden death on June 25 was very shocking. LaToya says, “We don't think just one person was involved in the murder," she added. "It was a conspiracy to get Michael's money." Refusing to name the people she believes are responsible for the death during her four-hour interview in L.A.

Find out more on Latoya's interverw:

In Memory of Steve McNair

McNair Mourned
Nearly 5,000 turned out Saturday to say goodbye to 36-year-old NFL star Steve McNair, who was shot and killed on the Fourth of July by a girlfriend who then turned the gun on herself.
Steve Left No Will
McNair's widow, Mechelle, will handle his estate because he left no will, a judge ruled Wednesday. She has 60 days to file an inventory of her late husband's assets, which court documents claim is "of sufficient size to be administered." McNair listed herself and their sons, Tyler and Trenton, as the heirs to the estate. McNair fathered two other sons, Steve Jr. and Steven, in a previous relationship.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Remebering Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson Pictures, Images and Photos
Goodbye to the king of pop. You will always be remembered in my heart and your songs. There will never be other like you.Lov ya and may you rest in peace.
This is my favorite part of the memorial.Paris show how great her daddy is and how much he meant to her. I know MJ was smiling down from heaven when he heard her say those words. What a touchable moment.

To view more of the memorial service visit:

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Can't have your Cake and Eat it too..

I think this chick was fooled by Steve McNair. My belief is that he told this chick he wanted her and he would do anything for her. He made her belived that she was the only one. This is what people say when they want you at that moment. People believe this, what happens "DRAMA". Leave married people alone. It's to much stress. Tragic shit happens when this goes down.. But will this stop people from doing this "NO". It is what it is.

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